
Public Relations Organisation for Managerial Success

Diposting oleh nude nude Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

Sometimes the functions of public relations (PR) in the ordinary people are often confused with the duty of a marketing and even journalism. This time we will be said about the role or function of public relations in successful organizations.

PR practitioners in carrying out its task will use the concepts of management to facilitate implementation of their tasks. That the role of public relations process (fact finding stage, Planning, Communicating, and evaluation) fully to the managerial approach. Well then the public relations management can be defined as a process of a group of people that are coordinating, directing specific activities to achieve common goals.

By looking at the role of process management and public relations in an organization that has been put forward, it can be said that management is the effort to set goals and work together through other people. In addition, in order to achieve organizational goals efficiently and effectively.

What does your PR?

1. Displaying impression (image)

PR should display the best impression of the organization. The impression here means "picture obtained by a person about a fact in accordance with their level of knowledge and understanding (of a product, person, or situation)."

2. Knowledge and understanding

PR has an important role in helping to inform the public on the internal (within organization) and external public (outside the organization) to provide accurate information in a format that is easily understood so that indifference would be an organization, product, or place can be overcome through knowledge and understanding.

3. Creating interest

PR should also be able to create public interest in a situation or a serial situation, which could be influential in an organization or group of people. Using public relations strategies in this manner can be very effective.

4. Acceptance

Community may be against in a situation because they do not understand what was happening, or why it happens. Public relations profession has a key role to explain a situation or event with a very clear so that the indifference and even resistance, which is the atmosphere around it can be turned into understanding and acceptance.

5. Sympathy

In presenting information in a clear and unbiased, this public relations task is generally a successful way to gain sympathy.

In his book Public Relations Management Mahidin Mahmud and Alex Rumondor, printed that the quality characteristic is the ability to analyze public relations manager. Each member of the public relations staff as interpreters should also be capable of analysis. PR manager must also be able to fix itself, and considers himself able to work effectively without a warrant, because not taking care of their own public relations manager who gave the orders.

PR manager is representing the company to the public and represent the public at the company. Thus, every other part of the company know that top management including public relations manager and weighs the same level of top leadership with colleagues elsewhere. PR manager must also be able to present an accurate evaluation. The evaluation covered the scope of their duties in order to organize public relations manager / utilizing internal and external activities related to:

1. environment

2. attitudes and public opinion

3. effectiveness of public relations management

4. influence of each part to be felt also by the public relations manager.

PR written products

Among them are:

1. Press releases contain information that is newsworthy and submitted by the public through the mass media.

2. Background (Backgrounder)

3. Internal media

4. Annual reports

5. Advetorial

6. Company profile

7. Gazette news (Newsletter)

8. Prospectus

9. Writing reader comments (testimonials)

10. Penulisah speech

11. Public service ads

PR as an element of Supporting Organization Activities

The definition of public relations "Statement Mexico" reinforce the position of Public Relations in the ranks of other social sciences, particularly relating to science communication. This definition is again underlined the duty of Public Relations must be based on research, consulting with leaders of organizations, programs and planned social responsibility.

The role of public relations to instill a sense of belonging to the public in an effort to win has to organizational goals and activities to achieve a favorable public opinion for the organization of the course based public relations skills to be able to touch the public perception of the target. All this starting point the position of public relations as an element supporting the organization's activities.

Public Relations as the Information Center

As an information service center, the role of PR is not free from attempts to change the behavior of audiences through two tiers, namely transforming role and socializing role. The first is intended to change public behavior, while the second is the results to be obtained.

Kanapa This information center is needed in an organization? PR. Smith, marketing experts argued about the meaning of information and marketing in the military field, that information can create power. In this regard, also cited Jefkins opinions about the position of PR practitioners in an organization that represents the eyes, ears and voice of the company. This position should be in the leadership ranks. **

By Agus Ridwan Sopari, Author - Vision Coach - Graphic Designer - Business Communication ConsultantFungsi Not Clerk Administration

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