
Not Clerk Administration Functions

Diposting oleh nude nude Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

During this administration is always positioned lower than the management and just doing clerical work only. In fact, much higher administarsi and elegant than with management.

Therefore, the administration should have functioned as a determinant of company policy, coordination of production, finance and distribution determine the direction of the organization and control of the end of business management. So we can conclude the administration is not a clerk but the company policy.

Nababan son, when interviewing one of the Americans in Washington DC. "How do you think about a year the administration of president obama?" Choose the word administration from the management. There are two opinions stating that the administration did the same with the management are synonymous, it was the first. The term used by the presidential administration and ministries are referred to as the State administration. While the field of business administration in management named.

Second, the opinion stating that the different administrative management. This is mainly in the field of State administration, government administration made by the President and the Ministers as a determinant of policy in order to achieve the goal state. While the policy is mandatory melaksanaan is management. Managers are responsible to implement toward achieving that goal.

Simple menerangkan in some organizational analysis, management is viewed as part of the government, particularly in relation to the technical and mundane elements within the organization's operations. He stands alone which is different from executive or strategic work.

Also try to notice it, when you will post the article on wordpress blogs mentioned are the Admin, for example www.agusridwansopari.com / wp-admin, wp-manager instead. But on the other hand there is a CMS (content management system) is approximately the same as in the management of a website in the blogs admin.

Maybe it will look more powerful admin to control their website content. While governed by the admin is a management tool that can he manipulated the brain such as placement of the widget, choose themes, inserting images, and so forth.


Administrative science is a broad science 's type. Therefore, this study received donations of understanding, ways of thinking, and how to approach from the branches of other social sciences. Based on three main elements of the administration developed three main knowledge in the science group is divided into organizational studies, management studies, and studies of administrative communication.

In high school science courses in business administration focused on aspects of the creation of graduates who have strong business leadership and has a cross-functional capabilities that are perfectly integrated in the field of marketing, finance, and business management.

In business, administration consists of the performance or management of business operations so that the making or implementation of major decisions. Administration can be defined as a universal process of organizing people and resources efficiently so that direct activities toward common goals and objectives.

Administrator can serve as a general manager or secretary of carpet companies that report to the board of directors of the company. This title is ancient, but, in many companies, this function, the same parallel juxtaposed the necessary financial, personnel and management information system services, is what is meant when the term "administration" is used. But the science faculty and students of business administration does not want the administration retracted just doing clerical work.


Administrators, broadly involved in the functioning of a common set to meet organizational goals. This "function" of the administrator who is described by Henri Fayol as "five elements of the Administration" (in bold below).

- Planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and who should do it. This road map towards a place from which the organization wants. Planning functions include setting goals and arranging them in logical sequence. Administrators involved in the short term and long term planning.

- Organizing involves identifying responsibilities to be performed, grouping responsibilities into departments or divisions, and determine the relationship of the organization. The aim is to achieve coordinated effort among all elements of the organization (Coordination). Organizing must take into account the delegation of authority and responsibility and span of control within supervisory units.

- Employment means filling job positions with the right person at the right time. This involves determining the needs of staff, writing job descriptions, recruitment and screening people to fill the position.

- Directing (Commander) is to lead people in ways that achieve organizational goals. This involves proper allocation of resources and providing an effective support system. Directing requires exceptional interpersonal skills and ability to motivate people. One important issue in directing is to find the right balance between emphasis on staff needs and emphasis on economic production.

- Control is a function that evaluates quality in all areas and detects potential or actual deviations from the plan of the organization. This ensures a high quality performance and satisfactory results while maintaining orderly and free of environmental problems. Controls include information management, performance measurement, and the institution of corrective action.

- Budgeting, apart from the above list, incorporating most of the administrative functions, beginning with the implementation of the budget plan through the implementation of budgetary control.

By Agus Ridwan Sopari

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