
Cut Tari Akan Akui "Main" Berdua Ariel

Diposting oleh nude nude Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Sunday (12/12/2010), a day before he gives his testimony, presenter Dance Cut through the assistant legal counsel, said he would confess that he was the one woman who were both vocalists intercourse Nazrel Irham or Ariel in sex video being dikasuskan.

The trial continued the case for distributing the videos sex that will be held at the District Court (PN), Bandung, on Monday (13/12/2010). Agenda, presents Cut Dance as a witness.

"We will give testimony in truth, which is required by the judge or prosecutor, in accordance with the facts, about what happened in the case of the video," said Ina, assistant team leader Cut Tari lawyer, Hotman Paris Hutapea, when contacted via cell phone, in Jakarta, Sunday (12/12/2010).

Explained also by Ina, in front of the judges will reveal that Cut Tari sex video actors are correct himself with Ariel. "To be sure, Cut Tari and their attorneys would give testimony that is in the correct video is her and her male perpetrator is Ariel," said Ina.

To stem the spreading accusations, stressing that Cut Tari Ina has an alibi. "Clearly Cut Dancing with the initials RJ spreaders do not know and never knew. So, Cut Tari was not involved. Anyway, all the facts will be revealed if required by the Council of Judges and the Prosecutor (Attorney General)," said Ina again.

Advanced Ina, sex videos and Ariel Dance Cut also might have played in the trial. "It's very possible, because it is evidence and Cut Dance is a victim or perpetrator. Anyway, we'll totally give information or testimony in accordance with the facts," he said.

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