
Understanding Workplace Body Language

Diposting oleh nude nude Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

Communication skills are an increasingly important issue for all aspects of life whether it be in relation to personal or workplace relationships. The ability to actively listen to others and understand non-verbal aspects of communication such as facial expressions, gestures and using props is crucial to be able to work as a team or function effectively with the workplace environment.

Understanding Body Language

Whether one recognises it or not, around half of communication is expressed through the use of non-verbal methods such as body language. This is important for all aspects of work and is especially relevant when giving presentations, speaking in meetings and undertaking negotiations. For example if what a person is saying is being contradicted by his or her body language then it will come across as a lack of confidence or belief in what is being shared thus limiting the possibility of communicating effectively or achieving successful outcomes.

When non-verbal and verbal forms of communication are correctly used together this may enhance the message and make what one is saying far more powerful as well as much easier to comprehend. Therefore, identifying the aspects of verbal expression which relate to forms of body language has a big impact in terms of effective communication.

How Body Language Compliments Verbal Communication

There are a range of different ways in which forms of body language may compliment verbal communication. An example is when a person wishes to reinforce something he or she may use a thumbs up or repeat a key phrase whilst holding hands out. Another example is when one is praising another person it may be enhanced through smiling and nodding or patting them on the shoulder. In order to emphasise a point a speaker may nod the head frequently or underline words on a flip-chart or white board.

Read more at Suite101: Understanding Workplace Body Language http://personal-work-habits.suite101.com/article.cfm/understanding-workplace-body-language#ixzz0r34JJZNT

Hands, Feet and Non-Verbal Communication

Watch any television programme and there would likely be an individual who is using their hands to add to verbal forms of communications. Hands can be a real indicator of how a person is thinking or feeling, such as clenching a fist to avoid being interrupted, holding one's chin to indicate active listening or intense concentration and touching personal objects. A handshake can speak volumes too, as to whether it is limp, firm, loose and the length of duration. In a tense situation some people will tap their feet or swing their leg which may indicate either frustration, irritation or anxiety.

As highlighted above, non-verbal communication such as body language is a large part of effective communication and thus may have major implications in work meetings and in terms of managing office conflict. Relationships within the workplace also require good communication so it is well worth learning more about this core skill.


Lawson, K. (2009) Successful Communication London: New Holland Publishers

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