
The Difference Between Boss and Leader

Diposting oleh nude nude Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

How often people fail to become leaders because they did not behave as a leader but behave as a boss.

Harry Gordon Selfridge was the founder of one department store (shopping center) in London which is one of the world's largest department store. He achieved this success by becoming a 'leader' and not to be 'Boss'. What is the difference between a leader with the boss?

Below is a comparison that is given by Harry Gordon Selfridge between people who type leader and boss-type person.

* A boss hired subordinates; But a leader inspires them.
* A boss relies on authority; But relying on the goodwill of a leader.
* A boss raises fears; But a leader exudes enthusiasm.
* A boss says 'I'; But a leader says 'we'.
* A boss shows who is at fault; But a leader shows what is wrong.
* A boss knows how something is done, but a leader knows how to do it.
* A boss demands respect, but awe-inspiring leader.
* A boss says, 'Go!'; But one leader said, 'Let's go! "

Therefore be a leader, not a boss.

By Agus Ridwan Sopari; Author, Vision Coach, Graphic Designer & Business Communication Consultant

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