
7 Basic Principles of Law as a Design Layout

Diposting oleh nude nude Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

Design consists of various graphical elements such as design-formers who have been writing my earlier post-graphic element composed of letters, colors, shapes, lines, textures, pictures / illustrations and photographs. To create the proper design, these elements in the potion with the layout (the layout) that in accordance with the segmentation of the message recipient graphics (communicants).

Graphic art appreciation means to know (knowledge), understand and feel, and gives awards, judgments or responses aesthetic (aesthetic response). This is feedback from the communicants of graphic art which includes the implementation of graphical elements within the graphic design work.

Relation to the appreciation of communicants is a force measuring instruments such as the laws of the layout. According to Frank Jefkins (1997, 245) the basic principles of design applied to the media is the law of layout design, namely: Law Unit, Legal, Diversity, Law of Balance, Law of Rhythm, Proportion of Law, Law and Legal Emphasis Scale.

1. Legal Unit

All part of a layout should be merged to form the overall layout. An integral part of this layout can be confused by an annoying restriction, too many different types of letters and opposites, colors that are distributed in vain, the elements of less proportionately, or the layout of the 'lively' with the confusing parts.
2. Legal Diversity

Nevertheless, in a layout must be a change and is use such as using bold type (bold) and the medium, or also take advantage of empty space in the overall layout. Media, like not making it appear monotonous, diversity can also be manufactured with the use of these images.
3. Balance Legal

It is essential that the media must show a balance. Optical balance is the lower third of a media room, not half. A picture or headline may take place one-third and two thirds of the script so that qualified optical balance. Symmetrical balance can be achieved by the division, so a design can be divided into two equal parts, one quarter section, and so on.
4. Legal Rhythm

Although the print media are static, but it is still possible to create the impression that eye movements can be brought and the reader is directed to all parts of the media. As a simple example is to include every beginning of paragraph (first line or hanging indent). However the beginning of the message flow until the last message in the overall design should imply a comfortable rhythm.
5. Legal Proportion

This is particularly so with respect to the size of the font used in remedy width manuscript. The more broadly a manuscript (or the size of space) the greater the size of the letters should be used, and vice versa. A media that have a narrow space (small) will use the same type of small ayng text, but if the width of the media that require a wider text letters, unless the texts are arranged in columns.
6. Legal Scale

Visibility (visibility) depend on the tone scale and color, some seem less conspicuous, while the other looks too flashy. Pale pastel colors, a color less conspicuous. While the colors prominently displayed on the primary colors. Color black with yellow or orange color combination will be very visible conspicuous than yellow color with white color was not impressed by flashy (read: dead). Scale of law can be used in design and typography when the headlines made subheading contrast with the gray areas of the text letters.
7. Legal Emphasis

The rule here is, if all will find then what happens is not something you'll enjoy (all emphasis is no emphasis). As happened when too much is used bold or too many capital letters used. The emphasis of law is closely related to other law deals primarily with the Law and Legal Diversity Scale.

A media can be made so as to appear attractive if there is such emphasis on being bold typeface, or particular words are given emphasis with another color. Space or areas left blank (white space), the brightness can also be an effective way to produce suppression.

Seventh Law of layout is vital to be implemented in accordance with the character of communicants segment. And commemorate the Alexa Rank is now positioned AgusRidwanSopari.com 1,935,722, I went back to change a new header image with old classic theme paper. Good looking, huh?

By Agus Ridwan Sopari; Author, Vision Coach, Graphic Designer & Business Communication Consultant

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