The Ferrari 599 GTO Fiorano apparel bare the evening, to show with pride the powerful muscles, ready to lash out with force booming. Its forms are not by culture, because in addition to aesthetics treat the strength and agility, setting new records in the gym of the track. Only here can show all his anger, because at the limits of the last road “beast” can not even approach.
Everything in this “red” is exaggerated. A product of the frontier, moreover, can not yield to weakness compromises. Its purpose is to transfer know-how of the races, giving emotions in a continuous jet. The silhouette, low and bad wrap from a budget workshop, to bring forward to this the language of the future.
It is not half of professionals in race suit, but a surgical instrument for lovers of good guide, can enjoy a wonderful toy. Everything smells of exotic materials that come from aerospace research. A central role is given to aerodynamics, because the game flows is an essential part of its magic. The vertical load is 144 kg to 200 km / h.

Ferrari 599 GTO

Ferrari 599 GTO1

Ferrari 599 GTO2

Ferrari 599 GTO3